The Council of Industry has been the manufacturer’s association for the Hudson Valley since 1910. It is a privately funded not-for-profit organization, whose mission is to promote the success of member firms and their employees. Their member-driven advocacy efforts help guide the manufacturing agenda both in Washington and Albany, creating public policy to help manufacturers compete globally, and grow and prosper locally. The Council of Industry advocates on behalf of its members with State and Federal lawmakers throughout the year, educating them on complex issues of importance to the State’s manufacturing sector, ensuring they have the tools and information to make sound policy decisions. They advance key policy issues through pro-growth, and pro-manufacturing legislation.

Since beginning work with the Council of Industry, over 20 years ago, we have helped them triple membership through marketing and branding efforts. They have reestablished their position as the experts in manufacturing throughout the region. They have engaged Hudson Valley manufacturers in their Lean SIGMA Six, Leadership Training and other valuable programs necessary for industry growth.

For these industry leaders it is imperative that we maintain the data driven website daily. Providing functionality for the apprenticeship program, jobs board, training programs, membership resources, podcasts, social media portals, PayPal, and private membership gateway. Offering customers training in backend WordPress updates on a continuing basis.

HV Mfg is a manufacturing magazine that provides up-to-date industry news, compelling manufacturers stories, and support service professional advice. Ad Essentials assembles content and provides all creative direction in layout, design, and every aspect of producing the bi-annual publication, working with local printers through full production.

We have built our partnership on trust and creativity for the duration of our continuing relationship.

Ad Essentials services:

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HV Mfg Magazine

HVMfg.orgThis off-site link opens in new tab or window.
Ad Essentials produces both print and online versions of this bi-annual publication.
Click the images below to view digital copies of the magazine and individual stories.

HVMfg Article Interviewer SpreadThis off-site link opens in new tab or window.PDF file.
HVMfg Magazine Spring 2023: Interviewing the Interviewer
HVMfg Magazine Spring 2019: PRG Scenic company profileThis off-site link opens in new tab or window.PDF file.
HVMfg Magazine Spring 2019: PRG Scenic Technologies

Website Design

CouncilOfIndustry.orgThis off-site link opens in new tab or window.
The website contains a vast range of services, features and functionality.

Council Of Industry Website Homepage
Council Of Industry Website Homepage
Council Of Industry website about page
Council Of Industry website about page
Council Of Industry website calendar page
Council Of Industry website calendar page
Council Of Industry website magazine page
Council Of Industry website magazine page